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susan holt + kate wilcott

NB Liberals nominate Kate Wilcott in Saint John West-Lancaster

July 11, 2024News

July 11, 2024 (Saint John West-Lancaster) – Liberals gathered in the riding of Saint John West-Lancaster to nominate Kate Wilcott as their candidate for the next provincial election.

As the event kicked off, surrounded by over 150 local supporters, candidates, and caucus members, Susan Holt, leader of the NB Liberal Party shared what she’s been hearing during hundreds of conversations with New Brunswick voters on her summer tour. “I have heard clearly from people all around the province that we need a change in leadership. One man in one office in Fredericton with a one-size-fits-no-one solution to problems is not what New Brunswickers need.” 

“People don’t want surpluses, they want health care, affordable housing and help with making ends meet.  We will take a balanced approach, to ensure that we balance the budget, pay down the debt while still ensuring we invest in health care, education, housing, and economic development. We have a dynamic and diverse team who come to the table with a wealth of experience from many sectors, and a Holt led government will ensure that New Brunswickers have a government they deserve who will always put their needs first.”

Saint John West Lancaster is the twenty-fourth riding where the Liberal Party is holding a nominating convention leading up to the next provincial election. Two candidates were vying to carry the Liberal banner: Joe Vautour and Kate Wilcott. Wilcott was declared the winner once all the votes were counted.

Kate is a dedicated community leader with 25 years of experience in teaching, producing, and organizing. She is the Arts and Culture Coordinator for the City of Saint John and the founder of InterAction School of Performing Arts. Her extensive work in policy development, university lecturing, public safety, make her an excellent fit.

When addressing the crowd after their win, Wilcott said, “I am thrilled to be nominated as the Liberal candidate and to be joining Team Holt as the candidate for Saint John West-Lancaster.  I will work tirelessly to earn the trust of our friends and neighbours and will never stop fighting for them. People are struggling, and they need someone who will listen to them and advocate for them.  Our riding needs a strong, confident and empathetic person to represent them in Fredericton. I am that person, and I can’t wait to get to work.”

In closing the event, Holt said, “I want to thank both of these amazing candidates, Joe and Kate for putting their names forward. We are stronger when we work together and it is this united team that will earn the trust of New Brunswickers. No matter where you live, no matter what language you speak, and no matter who you love, every voice deserves to be heard and respected.”