Veronique Arsenault
Miramichi East
Veronique Arsenault is well known in New Brunswick as one of the volunteer hosts of the Rogers tv Cable (Miramichi) Network’s current affairs program “Have a Chat” (2014-present). She was invited to co-host this program with Rotarian Judy Losier and they have supported, promoted and highlighted the region and provinces many non profits and small businesses throughout the years. What Veronique is even better known for is her passion for the Miramichi Region; especially evident in her tireless efforts to reinvigorate the area’s social, economic and cultural life through her dynamic personality, her exceptional commitment to community service, her broad ranging experience in the nonprofit and business sectors, and her proven ability to successfully tackle any task.
Graduating from James M. Hill Memorial High School in 1991, she left not long after to explore the world and gain as many experiences as she could. Since moving home in 2006, Veronique has volunteered her time and talent to a wide variety of Miramichi causes. She has served on the boards of the Schizophrenia Society of New Brunswick, as well as its Miramichi Chapter, Big Brothers Big Sisters/Boys & Girls Clubs, the Chatham Historic Business District, the Miramichi Regional Music Festival, the Miramichi Irish Festival and the Miramichi Fusion Youth Festival to name a few. She was a member of the Rotary Club of Chatham from 2008 – 2018 and was Board Secretary from 2011-2013. She has been involved with the Canada’s Irish Festival on the Miramichi for the last 10 years, serving as President, as well as other functions on the board. She helped launch and co-chair the Rotary’s Miramichi Dragon Boat Festival during its first two inaugural years (2011-13). She has also volunteered on many committees including the Olympic Torch Relay Committee and the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. Veronique has been a lector at Saint Michael’s Basilica for the last 15 years.
Veronique inherits her altruistic spirit from both sides of her family. On her father’s side, she has the example of his 24-year “retirement career” with the United Nations as a UN Security Chief in many of the world’s worst conflict zones, most notably in Africa. On her mother’s side, she has the example of multi-generational public and medical service, philanthropy and lauded community efforts to promote healthcare. Miramichi’s Dr. Losier Middle School stands in testament to four generations of her mother’s family’s exemplary philanthropic and community service. Veronique also often also credits her aunt Judy Losier’s volunteer work as a seminal and inspiring example.
Veronique’s volunteer involvement long predates her move to Miramichi. One of her more interesting adventures in Ottawa saw her as the volunteer mascot at Ottawa’s annual Rideau Canal Winterlude Festival. While there, she also initiated work placements at her Sears Carlingwood workplace for her mother’s special needs students from Gloucester High School. Since coming to Miramichi, she has shepherded numerous local efforts to raise money for her father to effect simple community improvements in Africa—100 sewing machines (for Togo); school art supplies (for Liberia), etc. She also facilitated a live blog between her father and the World Issues Class at Miramichi’s James M. Hill High School. In addition, Veronique helped the school’s World Reality Education (WRED) Class raise $5,000 for a tee-shirt printing press to help grow their small business where all profits go towards African education.
Veronique’s business expertise is extensive, and is influential in implementing her vision of positive change through volunteerism. Before settling in Miramichi in 2006, she held executive positions for corporate giants such the, Estee Lauder Cosmetics LTD, Hudson’s Bay Canada Company Ltd., Avon Canada Inc. and Sears Canada. Her first job in Miramichi was as Executive Director for the Miramichi Chamber of Commerce at a time when the region suffered the severe economic downturn due to its mill closures. This was followed by a year as Field Operations Supervisor for Northeastern New Brunswick for the 2011 Government of Canada Census—a position she took again during the 2016 Canadian Census. In 2013, she used her business experience as the owner-operator of Season’s View Café to employ twelve people from Miramichi. Veronique also worked for the Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick as a Industry Training Manager. Veronique also spent time as Executive Director of the Miramichi Region Multicultural Association. A typical example of the fusion between Veronique’s business and philanthropic interests is obvious in the following. Despite trying hard to make financial ends meet at the Café, Veronique donated food, staff time and proceeds, as well as hosted “Spay-Ghetti,” an annual spaghetti fundraiser to benefit the Miramichi SPCA. She also routinely donated and served supper at Miramichi’s St. Andrew’s United Church Community Soup Kitchen. During forced closures due to a separate fire and flood, she dispatched staff to work at her expense to Molly’s Tea Room and the Irish Festival. Veronique is a proud public servant where one of her efforts led to co-chairing the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign. Over the course of a year (Oct. 2017-Oct. 2018) the campaign raised $83,000 for the Children’s Wish Foundation and other local and national charities.
What is unique about Veronique’s involvement with all of these organizations is her willingness to tackle their most challenging tasks; and to give to each all the volunteer time needed for a successful and beneficial conclusion. Although Veronique is often known for being in front of the microphone, what is remarkable is that her time spent behind the scenes far outweighs her public contributions. In recognition, Veronique received the MYPIE Community Champion of the Year Award in 2009 from her peer professionals and area entrepreneurs for her outstanding advocacy for the Miramichi, as well as, Fisherman Pow Wow Award for outstanding contributions to the community in 2014, the Volunteer of the Year Award in 2016 from Volunteer Miramichi, Woman of Influence in 2016 from the Women’s Empowerment Network and finally the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal in Feb 2023 for Outstanding contribution and service to the community through volunteerism.
Veronique has been back in Miramichi for 18 years, she has forged an impressive legacy of public service through philanthropy and exceptional volunteerism. Veronique is highly intelligent and her life and work experience has made her highly sought-after by boards, organizations and media outlets for her intellectual acumen, critical thinking and public speaking skills. As a result, Veronique has donated her time either as chair, president, board member or executive director to at least 20 local and provincial non-profit and volunteer organizations. She is fluently bilingual and exceptionally well versed in the province and country’s social, economic and political concerns. Because of her diplomatic skill and impartial demeanor, Rogers tv Cable Network asked her to live-moderate the 2016 Miramichi Mayoral Debates and election night results.
Veronique continues her service to community through her work as an elected City Councilor, chairing the Corporate Services Standing Committee, championing a Mental Health Strategy for the community in partnership with the Anglophone North School District and continuing to volunteer as a member of the Executive for Legion Branch #3.
- Rogers tv (Miramichi)—Co-Host, Have a Chat, 2014-present
- Legion Branch #3 – Executive Member 2020 – present
- Government of Canada Charitable Campaign—Co-Chair, 2017–2018
- Chatham Historic Business District—Board Member (Marketing Sub-Committee Chair), 2017–2018
- Olympic Torch Relay—City of Miramichi, Chair of Sub-Committee for Program & Entertainment, 2009
- Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast—Committee Member, Media Coordinator, 2008–2012
- M.E.M.A. —Miramichi Fusion Festival (Youth), 2007–2011
- Schizophrenia Society of New Brunswick (Miramichi Chapter), President 2010 -2012
- Schizophrenia Society of New Brunswick—Board Member, 2010–2012
- Big Brothers Big Sisters/Boys & Girls Club—Board Member, 2009–2012
- Miramichi Regional Music Festival—Chair, 2013-2015
- Miramichi Irish Festival—President, 2011—2013 and 2022-2023; Board Member 2010– present, Cultural Committee Chair
- Miramichi Dragon Boat Festival—Co-Chair, 2011–2012; Water Safety Chair, 2013–2014
- Rotary Club of Chatham—Secretary, 2011–2013; Regular Member, 2009–2019
- Saint Michael’s Basilica Lector, 2008—present