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Luc Robichaud



MLA for Hautes-Terres-Nepisiguit

Luc Robichaud was born in Paquetville in 1981. He is the son of Bruno, son of Lévis Robichaud from Paquetville, and Ginette, daughter of Albert Losier from Tilley Road. He and his partner, Annie Ferguson, are the proud parents of two children, Eve-Lori, 15, and Anthony, 12.

Luc graduated from NBCC Bathurst in the computer science program and subsequently taught at NBCC Bathurst and at NBCC Acadian Peninsula for several years. He also developed his own network marketing business for five years. Later, he served as the General Manager of the Club plein air de Caraquet from 2017 to 2020, and is now the General Manager of Coopérative de Paquetville.

In terms of politics, Luc was the mayor of Paquetville from 2016 to 2022. He also served as president of the Forum des maires de la Péninsule acadienne in 2017-2018. He is currently a councillor for the Municipality of Hautes-Terres.

Luc is a passionate athlete. When he has the opportunity to do so, he enjoys mountain biking, golfing, and hockey, not to mention his love for fly fishing. When time allows, he loves to share his passions with children. He has coached soccer and mountain biking in the past, and has been a hockey coach for eight years now.

Luc has always been involved in his community. In 2016, he and a group of citizens created the Festival Paquetstock in Paquetville, and he still serves on its board of directors. Before becoming mayor of his municipality, Luc was the vice-president of the l’Association des anciens et amis du CCNB de la Péninsule acadienne and president of the Paquetville Recreation Center.
