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Statement by Isabelle Thériault on International Women’s Day

March 8, 2022News

“In recognition of International Women’s Rights Day, I encourage us all to take a moment to reflect on the strength and resilience that women have shown throughout history and to recognize not only the challenges they have overcome, but also those they continue to face as women today. Pay equity, reproductive health services and access to childcare are just a few of the issues that many women still face in New Brunswick.


It is also important to recognize that the pandemic has disproportionately impacted women as many of the hardest hit industries were predominately staffed by women. Whether it was work-life balance, limited access to childcare, having to leave work to care for children, or increased intimate partner violence during confinement, Covid compounded existing economic and social inequalities. We need to recover from this crisis for the better, and we can do that if we rebuild together for the better.


Finally, we cannot forget the many women working in the health care and long-term care sector who have carried us through the pandemic, they are true heroes. To achieve a just and equitable society, the future must be feminist!


Happy International Women’s Day!”


Isabelle Thériault

Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition

Critic for Women’s Equality