Restigouche MLAs encouraging their constituents to be tested for Covid-19
October 23, 2020 • News
With the outbreak of Covid-19 still active in health care zone 5, Restigouche MLAs Guy Arseneault and Gilles LePage are encouraging residents to take advantage of the mass testing being offered this weekend and reminding them to follow all public health guidelines.
“As MLAs for the Restigouche region, we have been pushing for more testing and we are glad that Public Health has committed to more tests,” says Guy Arseneault, Liberal MLA for Campbellton-Dalhousie. “We all have to work together to encourage people to stay within their one household bubble, wear masks, practice social distancing and follow all of the Public Health guidelines because only abiding by some of them will not slow the spread of the virus as effectively. The people of Restigouche want to return to the Yellow level and are willing to do their part.”
Due to the restrictions imposed in the Orange level, some business sectors in zone 5 have been forced to close and others who have been able to stay open are nonetheless feeling the impacts of the stricter restrictions.
“Our businesses have suffered as a result of returning to the Orange Phase and the people of the Restigouche Region all want to get the spread of the virus under control so we can return to Yellow as quickly as possible,” said Gilles LePage. “We need support to help us fight the pandemic and while I still hope to see some financial support for our businesses, I am glad Public Health will be providing walk-in testing this weekend. It is crucial that we have as many people tested as possible and follow all public health guidelines including respecting your one household bubble, which means limiting your close contacts to the people living in your home, so we can put an end to this outbreak.”
The walk-in testing will be offered on Saturday, Oct. 24, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the Memorial Regional Civic Centre in Campbellton, and Sunday, Oct. 25, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the Inch Arran Arena in Dalhousie. People are reminded that these testing sites are only for people with no symptoms and only people without symptoms are not required to self-isolate until they receive their results. If you present any symptoms at all, you must call 811, follow their directives and self-isolate until you receive your results.