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Official Opposition calls for action on New Brunswickers’ priorities

October 17, 2023News

Fredericton (October 16, 2023) – The Liberal caucus has gathered in Fredericton to call on the Higgs government to take action and address the needs and priorities of New Brunswickers in the upcoming Speech from the Throne.


“Premier Higgs has paralyzed New Brunswick with his internal turmoil over the past six months. It’s time for this government to put its drama aside and deliver on the priorities that are most important to New Brunswickers,” says Susan Holt, Leader of the Opposition. “People want to see results on healthcare, housing, affordability, education, and clean energy.”


The Speech from the Throne is scheduled for tomorrow to set the agenda for the upcoming legislative session. The Official Opposition is looking to see the government take the following actions:

  • Results in Healthcare: Our province needs a retention and attraction plan that delivers better working conditions for our healthcare professionals. Team-based community health centres and support to seniors, both at home and in long term care, must be top priorities.
  • Action on Housing: New Brunwickers deserve safe and dignified places to call home. This should be realized through a rent cap, renovating and building new public and social housing spaces, and a labour strategy.
  • Relief on Cost of Living: We expect the government to make New Brunswickers’ basic needs more affordable. This should include removing the provincial sales tax from residential electricity bills.
  • A Focus on Education: Literacy and numeracy results are failing across the province. The government’s instability in education is hurting our students. We are looking for a retention and recruitment plan for education professionals, better mental health supports, and infrastructure upgrades for existing and additional learning space.
  • Progress on Clean Air, Water, and Energy: Last spring, the Assembly unanimously adopted the Liberal motion to update the Clean Air Act. We are looking for the government to present the necessary legislation this fall, as well as a water strategy and the comprehensive energy strategy we have been calling for.
  • Clarity on Municipal financial reform: The government restructured local governance without a sound financial plan. Municipalities have been left to deal with the fall out. We want to see concrete government action and financial reforms that build local government capacity and empower them to strengthen their communities. .


“Our team is listening as New Brunswickers tell us they want to see action and a government that is working to make their lives better. We’re focused on holding this government accountable to deliver for people,” says Liberal leader Susan Holt. “It’s our job to make sure this government is focused on New Brunswickers instead of one man’s ambitions. It’s time to focus on these issues and deliver real results for New Brunswickers.”