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Tuesday, June 5 | 7:00 pm

Kent South Liberal Association Nomination Meeting

Salle Guy A. Richard | Guy A. Richard Hall

30, Rue Évangéline St.


Since the Liberal Party has been in government, we have focused on growing the economy, improving health care, and investing strategically in education.


By working together over the first half of the mandate, the Liberal Government has cut the deficit in half, all the while the growing the economy, and making record investments in education and health care.


We have high-quality potential candidates in these ridings that have been working hard and are committed to their communities.


The list of official contestants for nominations will be available on the New Brunswick Liberal Party’s website as they are approved. Contestants for nominations must submit their nominations forms before the respective deadline of each nomination date. For more information on becoming a candidate, please contact info@nbliberal.ca or call 506-453-3950.


Kent South Liberal Association Nomination Meeting
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Guy A. Richard Hall

30 Évangéline St., Bouctouche


Voting at Nominating Conventions shall be open only to those persons who have been registered members of the New Brunswick Liberal Association for at least three (3) days prior to the day of the convention and who reside within the boundaries of the relevant provincial riding. For better clarity, these three (3) days are to be counted not including the day of the Nominating Convention.

The deadline for filing nomination papers is ten (10) days before the date of the Nominating Convention. For better clarity, these ten (10) days are to be counted not including the date of the Nominating Convention.


For more information click here.