Liberals commit to invest in arts & culture sector
September 5, 2018 • News
A re-elected Liberal Government will dedicate one per cent from all public infrastructure spending to arts and culture projects.
With its recent commitment to enhance the Strategic Infrastructure Fund, a re-elected Liberal Government will invest an average of approximately $800 million per year in each capital budget over the next several years. With a one per cent commitment to arts and culture projects, this means up to $32 million will be invested to have artists create legacy projects over the next four years.
In its last mandate, the Gallant Government supported the arts and culture sector by honouring its pledge to accelerate the implementation of the new provincial cultural policy and further enhance support for this sector by increasing investments aimed at implementing various cultural support initiatives. In fact, the Gallant Government invested an additional $2 million for cultural initiatives per year since 2015 to further accelerate the implementation of the cultural policy. The government also supported the work of the task force on the status of the artist to ensure artists are properly recognized for their contributions to our society and invested an additional $100,000 in the New Brunswick Arts Board to increase support for emerging artists. Finally, the Gallant Government invested an additional $50,000 to help New Brunswick musicians showcase their talents outside the province.
In addition, recognizing the huge economic potential that tourism holds in general, and for the arts and culture sector in particular, the Gallant Government launched the first new comprehensive tourism strategy since the 1990s. Culture is an important aspect of tourism, and increased tourism will lead to more jobs and opportunities in this sector.
The Gallant Government has identified New Brunswick’s arts and culture sector as a priority in its multi-year Economic Growth Plan. The government has supported the arts and culture sector in New Brunswick, in part, by investing in infrastructure projects that benefit local communities, such as the Centre Jean-Daigle in Edmundston, the Amphitheatre in Tracadie, and the Downtown Centre in Moncton. Also, as part of a policy that will integrate public artwork into infrastructure projects, the Gallant Government has undertaken two pilot projects: one is a piece of artwork commissioned and installed at Saint John’s Seaside Park Elementary School last year, and the other is a similar project underway at École Antonine-Maillet in Dieppe.
The Gallant Liberal Government developed the multi-year New Brunswick Economic Growth Plan, which aims to grow the economy and create job opportunities for New Brunswick citizens. The plan focuses on strategic investments in infrastructure, in the responsible development of New Brunswick’s natural resources, in fostering innovation within traditional industries as well as emerging ones like cyber security, in supporting small businesses, in developing a skilled workforce, and in boosting growth sectors like tourism. Over the past four years:
- Government contributed to the creation of 15,000 jobs;
- The economy has grown every year compared to retraction under the Conservatives;
- The unemployment rate has gone from 10.1 percent to around 8 percent; and
- As of 2017, New Brunswick has the largest population in its history.
- Government surpassed deficit targets due to our economy growing faster than the private sector has predicted, and the auditor general has confirmed that government has a budget surplus in New Brunswick for 2017-18.