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Liberals commit to invest $400 million in healthcare infrastructure

August 24, 2018News

A re-elected Liberal Government will continue to invest significantly in healthcare infrastructure, pledging to invest $100 million per year for four years on equipment purchases and upgrades to hospitals.



While exercising a fiscal discipline that saw the province record a surplus in 2017-18, the Gallant Government still managed to invest significantly in healthcare infrastructure over the past four years, investing a total of $336 million in hospitals and equipment around the province. This includes:

  • Important investments to renovate and upgrade major hospitals in Saint John, Fredericton, and Moncton. These investments will, for example, help build a neonatal intensive care unit and a maternity and newborn unit at the Moncton Hospital, intensive care and surgical and oncology units at the Saint John Regional Hospital, and a new surgical suite as well as a gynaecology, maternal and newborn unit at the Dr. Everett-Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton;
  • The expansion of the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre, which will house a new surgical suite, recovery room, a day surgery unit, an intensive care unit, a step-down unit, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and central sterile reprocessing;
  • A new mother and child care unit at the Edmundston Regional Hospital;
  • The establishment of the new Fredericton Downtown Community Health Centre;
  • The construction of a five-storey addition at the Chaleur Regional Hospital to create room for a maternal, newborn and pediatrics unit, as well as other units for electrodiagnostics, ambulatory procedures and ambulatory care;
  • The expansion of the Paquetville Health Centre;
  • The establishment of a Provincial Centre of Excellence for Youth in Campbellton, and;
  • The restoration, preservation, and protection of critical infrastructure at the Hotel-Dieu of St. Joseph Hospital in Perth-Andover.
  • The construction of a new isolation room in the concentrated care unit and the replacement of a pair of emergency power generators at the Miramichi Regional Hospital.
  • The modernization of the wastewater system and a new ventilation system at the Stella-Maris-de-Kent Hospital


Providing access to quality healthcare in all corners of New Brunswick is one of the most important public services that government provides. Through record investments and an overall budget increase of 9.8 percent since 2014, the Liberal Government has demonstrated its commitment to quality and accessible healthcare. Beyond making significant investments to healthcare infrastructure around the province, as well as committing to maintain services in rural areas, the Gallant Liberals have made other significant improvements to New Brunswick’s healthcare system:

  • The hiring of over 300 new doctors, meaning over 90 net new doctors, bringing New Brunswick’s rate of access to family doctors up to 95 percent, the highest score in the country;
  • New and enhanced programs and services to help seniors stay in their homes longer;
  • The empowerment and addition of more healthcare professionals such as nurse practitioners, advanced care paramedics, and midwives;
  • A plan to add 1000 new nursing home beds and memory care beds and invest in significant renovations to existing units;
  • An investment of $75-million and a partnership with the federal government to create an aging pilot program in New Brunswick designed to improve the quality of life of seniors.